Christmas Providers

Christmas Providers

Family FAQ

The primary objective of the Adopt-a-Family program is to provide the children of families in need with Christmas cheer. We connect “Providers” with families in need (as submitted by the BISD & HEB school districts).

To qualify for Christmas Providers, you must be a family in need and:

A. Have one or more children in attendance at a school within the Hurst-Euless-Bedford (HEB) or Birdville  (BISD) School Districts.

B. Be invited to participate by the school nurse/counselor or a staff member at HEB or BISD.

C. Register an account on the Christmas Providers webpage.

D. Submit an application – you will enter information on your children (names, ages, clothes size, gift suggestions, etc.)

To participate, you must be invited to apply by either HEB or BISD.


  • Go to “Family” panel – Sign-up
  • Fill out registration form
  • Enter your mobile verification code
  • Scroll down and select New Application 
  • Fill out all required fields
  • Click on the Submit button to submit your application.

Each Provider will purchase at least one wrapped gift (based upon your gift suggestions) and typically will buy one outfit for each child listed on the application. If your child needs something specific (e.g. sneakers, coat or needs clothes & not toys), please state this under Gift Suggestions. Gift suggestions should be reasonable and less than $100. You will also receive a box of non-perishable food and a gift card to buy perishables.

Yes, you should list all children either in school or too young to be in school (under 5) on the application under the “CHILDREN SECTION.” For children not yet in school, select the school district where you live and select either “zBISD School” or “zHEB School” in the drop-down list for school name. The Provider will provider gifts (as described above) for each of the children listed in this section.

Until the application deadline, you can correct your application by logging into your account and selecting “Family” and then “EDIT application.” Make corrections and then click “Submit.” Please send an email to to communicate that you made changes to your application, and the Provider will be notified. After the application deadline, please contact your school with any change & send us an email ( to notify us of changes.

Any child who has graduated or is no longer in high school but still lives in your house should be listed in the “Adult” section of the application. Do not list them in the CHILDREN SECTION.

No, we ask our Providers to purchase gifts for the children in the household who are in high school or are not yet old enough to attend school.

On occasion, some Providers may choose to buy items for the adults in the household, however this is not an requirement of the program.

Your Provider will deliver a one or two boxes (~35 lbs each) of non-perishable food, depending upon  how much food we have collected. It contains cans of vegetables, soup, beans, meat (tuna, chicken, pork, or beef), starches (mac & cheese, potatoes, rice), dry beans, cereal, & dessert (pumpkin pie, cakes or cookies, Jello, etc.).  Fresh food can be purchased with the gift card that is given to each family.

Yes, each family will receive a gift card; the amount is based upon family size. The gift cards will be from Kroger or Walmart and range in value from $25 to $75 based upon family size. This allows you to buy perishable food, such as eggs, bread, and milk.

You can send an email to Please be sure to include your full name and the name of the Provider to whom you would like to send the message.

Yes, we have a program called “Winter Break Food Relief Program.” When you submit your application, select the Food Relief Program, and you will receive one or two boxes of food (~35 lbs each) of nonperishable food along with a  grocery gift card to purchase perishable items (bread, butter, milk). A member of the Christmas Providers’ Board of Directors will arrange for food delivery to you.

The Provider will reach out to you and arrange a specific date/time that is convenient for you both to arrange for delivery or for you to pick up the gifts & food at an agreed upon ‘safe” location.

If you signed up for the Winter Break Food Relief Program, one of our board members will be touch and arrange delivery, typically the week before Christmas.

You may talk with your Provider to arrange delivery at a public location, such as the Exchange Zones are located at your local city police department. Exchange Zones have video monitoring 24 hours a day. Some churches are also serving as a pick up location.

If you have an elementary student in HEB and your students are eligible for free lunch, please do NOT register for Christmas Providers assistance. Your family will be invited to participate in the 6 Stones Night of Hope program later in October. Families will be served by only one organization.

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